
In today’s world of influence, appearance seems be the ruler to measure whether or not we should even try. If you weren’t born with good appearance genetics, you may feel like you are fighting a losing battle from the start.

What I am about to say may not make sense, or be something you want to believe. But here goes.

Who you are as a person, and how you treat those around you overshadows your appearance most every time. From a distance you may be judged. That’s just a fact. But I have met many unattractive individuals that beauty just yelled from their soul!

So how do I overcome my “socially” less than ideal appearance?  How do I find a mate? How do I find a partner to create lives with? I would say this. Develop yourself. Don’t be dependent on another person to make you complete. Create your own completeness on your own. Your satisfaction of life will follow. If your life is supposed to have another person attached to it they will appear at the exact time they are scheduled to appear. And don’t stress out over it and don’t give up on the dream of being a couple. Don’t think you can alter that plan either. Again, it will happen when it is supposed to. Happiness and feeling complete is an inside job. Don’t judge your life by watching the performance of others. Your life and existence isn’t theirs, and theirs isn’t yours.

Attractive people are on media because attractiveness sells products. Humans gravitate toward it. Male and females attract the opposite sex by that initial look. That initial look exposes nothing about who they are as a person, just what they look like when on the surface. It also activates that carnal and hormonal process, many times overshadowing common sense.

If by chance you were born without “model” appearance and someday at an early age you come to that realization, do not give up! That would be a mistake beyond all mistakes.

Our purpose as a human has layer after layer of purpose.

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