Just ask

Do you all have at least one personal topic or area of concern that you want answers to?
Good. It is now time to be specific and create the questions.

If your questions are something like, “How can I feel better” or, “How can I lose more weight?” we really need to break it down a bit. The question is much to general to be effective.

Let’s take the weight question. Instead of “How can I lose more weight?” consider this alternative.

“Starting today, what healthy substitutions could I implement in my daily activities to reduce my food intake?”


“Starting today, what healthy substitutions could I implement in my daily activities to reduce my ‘unhealthy’ food intake?”

We all know that in order to lose weight two things need to happen physically.

a. We need to eat less and/or,
b. We need to increase our metabolism.

I realize that there is a big mental part to stay focused and centered during any type of habit change, but for now we will keep it general.

Create questions that can be asked with very specific answers.

You will read this particular question over and over in the next step, so the clearer it is, the better answers you will receive.

Based on my priority list on the previous post, what question would I ask myself to find resources and ideas to attain that most important priority?

If you would like a step by step guidebook to help you through this process, they are available here:

The 10 Step Mind Mopping Workbook



2 Replies to “Step Three – CREATE THE QUESTION”

  1. This really makes a lot of sense. Now if we could just get the world to engage with any type of thorough thinking process!

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