The shut down process

OK, I’m ready to shut down.

The word that I am about to use will tune out some folks.

It may be offensive, irrelevant, or just not of interest. And the word is:


It is one of the most peaceful things that we can do for our self being, as well as our existence.

It is like sleep after a long work day. However, in this situation it may be related to a  long work life!

Meditation isn’t easy at first. It’s like stopping a locomotive with a long attachment of train cars behind it. There is a lot of weight, and forward momentum. It just will not stop quickly.

As you sit still, in any position that feels comfortable, just stop the thoughts.

It is standard practice to focus on your breath. It will be the only thing that will be functioning in an effective meditation session.

Those constant thoughts will still be very present. They don’t give up, especially on your first few attempts. Your face will possibly itch, you may have the need to move your leg, or arm. Go ahead and itch your face, move your arm, or leg. Just go back to the quietness that we so deserve.

I will use a headset, with peaceful sounds or rhythm’s in the background. It helps to silence any outside noise that may infiltrate my silent retreat.

I have sat up, laid on my back, sat up against a wall, and they all work.

Become aware of your breath, and your breathing. Make that activity the only important thing in your world. Again, this isn’t easy starting out. It compares to handwriting a letter with invisible ink. In your first few sessions you will most likely be reluctant to keeping up with this practice, and will just not make the time. It’s not doing anything. I speak from experience.

Be prepared for 10 or 20 sessions just to get the basic discipline in place.

If you can set a gentle alarm for 10 to 15 minutes starting out would be a good idea.  Increase as time goes on.

This is the most important time of your life that has ever existed! This is a practice that will absolutely revolutionize your life and existence.

A good rule of thumb for realizing that you are making progress is when your arms and legs lose feeling. This is different than them becoming numb, they just cease to be attached or noticeable. Keep focusing on your breath.

Be prepared for sessions that are less valuable than others. The thoughts will still enter. Don’t expect to have any type of “revolution” from this practice. The way this will affect you will be unnoticeable for a while.

It is similar to taking vitamin supplements.  You wont know how much better they make you feel until you quit taking them. You will then know how you felt prior.

This isn’t the end of this topic, There is more to be said.



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