What is work?

In my generation…

Back in ancient times (1930’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s) work was a method to earn money for the purpose of food, shelter, and clothing. That “work life” predated those decades previously mentioned, but just am staying relevant for this post.

A person, man or woman found employment so that they could earn money.

I think it was a predominantly male prioritized thing in those years, as the woman usually stayed home and kept the house clean, and raised the children. Yes, this is a generalization. I am keeping this very simple as to not get off track, and not turn this into a history lesson. I’m too lazy to do the research.

It started like this:

At some early age, a person looked for an employment opening, where his ability would prove beneficial to a business. If the employer felt that this person could be a significant help, they were hired and started taking on tasks in exchange for money.

It was usually an 8 to 5 arrangement, and if that employee worked beyond that time frame, they were payed a higher hourly wage. Not always though.

As the employee produced a result for the employer, and the employer paid the employee. There were choices for both parties involved.

The employer could offer incentives for the employee to work more productively and create a higher return for the company. This might engage the employee to look for ways to become more valuable to the employer, as well as earn more money.

With extra money, the employee could start to make some decisions regarding his or her life. It could involve things like buying a house, a car, nicer clothes, etc.  Maybe just saving the money in a savings account, and watching the account grow. It was called building wealth back then.

The work-life scenario was quite simple then.

Media was almost non existent, as compared to what we have today.

Influence came from what we actually saw with our own eyes. We had to hear first hand from a person that had made a significant accomplishment.

Printed newspapers were a strong source for trusted information.

However, not all things in this simple life was perfect.

Employees grew tired, maybe even bored with their jobs, in many of the same ways today.

They heard about new opportunities, better wages, more favorable work environments. Those that wanted to grow in a career, had lots of opportunity. It did take effort, and in may situations it took patience. Also remember this was when person to person communication was by mail. A telephone was affixed to a wall or was placed on a table in your living facility if you were lucky. Not everyone had phones. They were a luxury.

The desire for advancement was usually because of a dream. No, not like the ones that happen while you sleep, but the dream of something that will make us happier. Usually more money, more prestige, or power, more recognition, so something beneficial to to our mental state. Yes, also for selfless reasons a well, like helping others.

There is so much more to say on this topic, and so many more thoughts, so please stay tuned.


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